Aloysius (1568-1591) was born into a rich family, and was castle-schooled for a few years until chronic kidney disease changed his life. St. Charles Borromeo gave him First Communion. St. Robert Bellarmine taught him the faith. His cousin St. Rudolph Acquaviva prayed for him. By the time Aloysius turned 18, he was ready to sign away his share of the family fortune and become a Jesuit. He died five years later, caring for the victims of a Roman plague outbreak. He was only 23 years old.
Read more about him in the Catholic Encyclopedia article St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
Father of love, giver of all good things, in Saint Aloysius you combined remarkable innocence with the spirit of penance. By the help of his prayers may we who have not followed his innocence follow his example of penance. Amen.