November 16, 2012

"Skyfall": A video commentary by Fr. Robert Barron...

Another part of a video series from Father Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit


  1. Very interesting analysis, Father, but did Ian Fleming actually write "Skyfall"?

  2. I too viewed Skyfall and came away surprisingly uplifted by its polyvalences.

    My comment for your consideration is in regard to the traditional small knife. If not mistaken that is a "sgian-dubs". Thought you might find its history of interest along the lines of analysis you offered here.

  3. Hi Liam, I did not get that Fr. Barron was attempting to connect Skyfall with the Bond family or Carol Houslander. I took it to be how the Bond series got started.

  4. Thanks, Joe. I missed that take on Father's commentary; however, I did see Skyfall here in Cork and found it to be subtly uplifting and lacking the cynicism and nihilism of some of the earlier Bond flicks.
    My only criticisms are that it's running time was over-long, there was a rush to tie up loosed ends and introduce the new characters for their future roles (I won't spoil it with specifics) and a gaping mystery in the plot.
    Why, when the immediate good-guy world of British spy craft knew Bond was luring our villain to a remote shoot out in Scotland, did the MI 6 cavalry never arrive?

  5. I like your insights father. I was sort of struck early in the movie, after Bond's "resurrection" when the psychiatrist says "sky fall", bond responds with "l'm done!". I can't help thinking about when Jesus says on the cross, "It is finished".

  6. Because Liam, Bond had to take all the credit for taking down the bad I have to spell it out for ya..??! :-)

  7. Ian Fleming didn't write Skyfall, and the reason he chose Bond was because he wanted his character to be 'boring' in a sense. He knew a bird scientist named James Bond and made that the character since he considered that one of the most boring names he had ever heard. True, there could be some connection with the family Bond, but doubtful. I do like the Resurrection theme as that was very prevalent.

  8. MI 6 didn't come in to rescue them because their computer system crashed and they couldn't do anything.
    Just like the airlines yesterday leaving thousands stranded for hours.
