May 28, 2013

Were the Middle Ages dark? No. They were astonishingly brilliant...

There is no period in history more misunderstood than the Middle Ages. Providence College Professor of English, Anthony Esolen, vividly demonstrates why the "Dark Ages" would be better described as the "Brilliant Ages."


  1. Excellent, the rise of science in the great universities of the West.

    I always recall Aquinas' first question, in which he teaches about science, how it works in the single, simple view of everything.

  2. Nice suit. Nice tie. I studied art history. You will have to further illuminate me as to how the descendents of these virtual Gods could have possibly, possibly, inflicted the horrific barbarism on African humans in the future, treating their fellow species as animals, or worse.

    1. Could you be more specific? Names, dates, places, etc?

    2. Could you be more specific? Names, dates, places, etc?

  3. Nice suit. Nice tie. I studied art history. You will have to further illuminate me as to how the descendents of these virtual Gods could have possibly, possibly, inflicted the horrific barbarism on African humans in the future, treating their fellow species as animals, or worse.
