August 1, 2014

A step-by-step guide to forming intentional disciples

We all know the bad news that ex-Catholics make up the second largest religious group in America, that only twenty-five percent of baptized Catholics attend Mass on a regular basis, and that the fastest-growing religious group in the United States is the "nones" (those who claim no religious affiliation). There's a huge mission field out there, and it begins as soon as you walk out your front door...


  1. Intentional Discipleship. Sounds like a great idea until you consider that Intentional Discipleship is dangerously similar to Intentional Communities.

  2. Thank you Father Barron for that talk. As you said, everyone we meet is at one of those levels. I believe having a well worded question combined with some verifiable evidence, on a slip of paper, to be handed to someone is a good way to help people find God's answer. If we hand them a question and suggest God would be happy with them if they sought His answer in the privacy and safety of their heart and home, we would not be putting them on the spot and we would be showing our trust in God. People could carry a small assortment of superbly written questions containing also a web address where more questions could be found and if they did not have the exact question needed, they could still give them a slip of paper and suggest the other person check out the questions relating to the topic under discussion. There are people who could write excellent questions and then many lay Catholics could print out the ones they liked and have them in their wallets or purse to give them a fail safe fallback position if they get in over their heads discussing faith with anyone. Think if Catholics started this and non-Catholics decided they had to do it also because they did not want to appear like they did not believe they could compete in this way? What do you think? Can this be made better, fleshed out?
