July 17, 2024

7 Verses Every Catholic Should Know

In this video, Dr. Bergsma, a convert who was led to the Church through the Scriptures, gives us seven Bible verses that prove that Catholicism is indeed biblical and even more biblically grounded than what some of our Protestant brethren initially think.


  1. 1 Timothy 3:15

    Thessalonians 2:15

    2 Peter 1:20

    John 20:23

    Revelation 12:1-2, 5

    2 Kings 13:20

    John 6:53

  2. I wish the transcripts would be posted. I don't have time to listen to 51 minutes in one sitting.

    1. Go to youtube, it has the transcript listed ......

  3. Thank you Dr. Bergsma, extraordinary as usual. The only thing I have, and it is the result of my own studies, I think the time line of the Gospels are incorrect by about 20 to 30 years late. Mathew is first at about AD 40 to45, then Mark, and Luke. John, who is the beloved Apostle would have been written about 60 to 70 AD. This space does not allow me to elaborate on the reasons why but when everything is looked at and studied, an earlier account of John magnifies the miraculous account of the Gospel. It also allows John the time to absorb his Apocalypse and report it accurately. There is nothing more compelling than a truly righteous man and when true righteousness is encountered the ememnances of the the last supper, the apocalypse, and everything else is displayed.

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel says that the gospels were probably written between 66 and 110 AD. And gives 4 sources for that. And that resp. mid-sixties until end of 1st cent. is also what I understand to be a scholars consense for a considerable time. You propose a significantly earlier dating and also a different order - usually Mark is considered to be the first. Please provide further sources for that.
