July 1, 2024

Is Extraterrestrial Life Compatible With Christianity?

In light of the recent congressional hearings on UFOs, Dan and Catherine engage in a thought-provoking conversation with theologian, Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas on extraterrestrial life. They delve into the available data on UFOs and contemplate the implications that extraterrestrial life would have on Christianity. Drawing from the wisdom of C.S. Lewis and Thomas Aquinas, this episode provides timely insights you won't want to miss.


  1. In listening to the interview of Dr. Tsakanikas' comments and descriptions of what these UAPs could be, I couldn't help think back to Gen 6:4 and the reference to the mysterious Nephilim. I would love to know if he has made any of these Biblical/Historical connections according to the principal in Eccles 1:9 that "there is nothing new under the Sun!"?

    1. Chariots of the Gods came out a long time ago. It was garbage then and it is garbage today.

  2. Regarding UAPs ... bear in mind that providing the American public with information that is accurate and not misleading is not a priority of the US government. As in, not at all. So far, they do not seem to be deliberately faking the pictures, just letting people jump to the wrong conclusions. (See Mick West's YouTube channel for some convincing analysis of various of these UAPs.)

    If it were the Chinese or the Russians putting out videos like this, you would be asking, "What's their game? Why do they want us to believe Little Green Men are zooming around the planet?" We should ask the same questions of our own government. Being born in North America and speaking English are not indications of trustworthiness.

  3. No. Anyone caught up in this should read Daniel O'Connor's book 'Only Man Bears His Image'. The Antichrist will reveal wonders. This topic will be a part of that. Stay away and bind yourself to Christ. He is the answer. Not the spirits in the heavens who will masquerade around as higher intelligence beings trying to be integrated in our world. God, angels, demons, mankind, everything else is without reason and the traits that make us 'made in His image and likeness".

    1. Prophecy is not really there to give people detailed forekowledge of events; prophecy is meant to be obvious in hindsight, reassuring the faithful that God is in control and that He has a plan. We see that clearly enough in the prophecies of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection.

      As for UFOs, they are a fad of today. Maybe they will be a part of the deception of the Antichrist; maybe Bigfoot or vampires will be for that matter. We are in no position to know. We ARE given enough knowledge to cling to God and avoid sin. That is all we need; it is enough.
