January 16, 2025

What Should Catholics Believe About UFOs?

How should Catholics think about UFOs? How can the Church respond to evolving scientific discoveries? What are the boundaries for Catholic belief? The McGrath Institute for Church Life is proud to present "Edge of Belief: UFOs, Technology and The Catholic Imagination," a documentary short that explores the outer limits of belief. This film features interviews with Notre Dame theology professors, scientists, and renowned Orthodox iconographer ‪Jonathan Pageau...


  1. Inhabitants of other planets visiting planet Earth would have to have an angelic nature since anything like a human nature could never survive the distance or the environment of distant planets.

    1. The alien deception, do not be deceaved!

  2. Dr. Paul Thigpen has a book on this. ISBN 1505120136.
    In short, nothing in our Catholic faith precludes us from believing in the possibility of extraterrestrial, corporeal (not angelic) intelligence.
    As an aside, I have often thought it might be little embarrassing to be meeting other folks (not from Earth) in heaven, and they look at us as the ones who messed up in the garden of Eden and required God to send His Son to save us. They opted to not eat from their "tree of knowledge".

    1. It’s a great book. Lots of quotes from giants in the Church on all sides of the issue.

  3. Daniel O’Conner has a good book on this also. The First and Last Deception
