February 1, 2013

Theologian of the papal household answers the question, "Why not women priests?"

Dominican Father Wojciech Giertych, theologian of the papal household, weighs in on the debate over women's ordination to the priesthood.


  1. It is sad that Jesus' own words fall on deaf ears.

  2. is there a transcript of this anywhere? I'm out to sea and can't watch the video.

  3. Has anyone ever noticed that men and women are very different humans? Every Sunday at mass parts of the scriptures are read. In the three year cycle however the passage about the statement "Man is of God and Women is of Man" is not read---WHY? Is the Bible not correct or do we omitt certain things?

  4. jayeverett,

    Your quote "Man is of God and Women is of Man" - which you imply is Biblical - did not come up in my Google search. I use Google to find Scripture all the time, so I wonder where in the Bible you would say it is.

    Please help - I'd like to locate it myself, please.

  5. You might also read Romans I:18-32 on how men and women should NOT live.....
